What’s new for 2004?

Saskatchewan is stepping up its fight against Chronic Wasting Disease by doing three things.

The first is moving from testing the heads of whitetail and mule deer taken by hunters from all over the province to an intensive testing program focusing on the areas where the disease has been found.

The second is taking even more animals out of the areas where the disease has been found. Current science says the best way to stop the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease is through an intensive herd reduction program in the affected areas.

The third is planning for the future. That may include spot sampling around the province and intensive sampling along the edges of infected areas to try to determine if the disease is spreading. It will also include continuous, intensive, herd reduction in the affected areas.

More information can be found on this PDF file: http://www.se.gov.sk.ca/fishwild/CWD%202004%20Brochure%20-%20FINAL1.pdf

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